ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025

Venue & Accommodation

VCC Reg desk Venue

XXII International Symposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice and CAPhO Conference 2025 (ISOPP CAPhO 2025) will take place in the vibrant heart of downtown Victoria, BC, Canada at the Victoria Conference Centre (VCC)

Venue Address:
Victoria Conference Centre
720 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 3M7, Canada
Map and directions

Accommodation Address:
The Fairmont Empress
721 Government St, Victoria, BC V8W 1W5, Canada
Phone: +1 (250) 384-8111 | Toll free phone: 1-888-495-2126
Map and directions

The Symposium room block at the headquarters hotel, the Fairmont Empress, is sold out. Rooms may still be available at the hotel’s regular rates. Please visit the Fairmont Empress website or contact the hotel directly. 

Alternatively, see here for a list of other hotels located near the Victoria Conference Centre.

Take a 360-degree virtual tour of the VCC:

The Victoria Conference Centre (VCC) is the second conference centre in North America to receive Biosphere certification.  Owned by the City of Victoria, the VCC is a carbon neutral facility that operates at the platinum level of BOMA BEST Building Environmental Standards and is recognized as one of Canada's best buildings in energy and environmental management and performance. Over the past decade, the VCC has reduced its carbon footprint by 70 per cent through a wide range of best practices including real-time energy management, waste diversion, recycling, LED lighting, equipment upgrades and more.

The Responsible Tourism Institute’s Biosphere certification is the most highly sought tourism sustainability certification due to its credibility, its recognition worldwide and its alignment with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism +20 and the COP21 Paris Agreement to combat climate change.