ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025

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Symposium Description

Join the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners and the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Oncology for leading edge education to advance your oncology pharmacy practice and knowledge! The ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025 takes place April 3-6 (Symposium) and April 7 (Masterclasses) at the Victoria Conference Centre located in the vibrant heart of downtown Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The Symposium features two CAPhO Workshops on Thursday, April 3, and two ISOPP Masterclasses on Monday, April 7, along with a range of sessions and networking opportunities. The Symposium promises to be a thought provoking, wide ranging and impactful program of technical, clinical and practice updates. You will:

  • compare practice with colleagues from around the world
  • explore strategies to enhance practice and patient outcomes
  • collaborate, create and innovate in hot topic discussions
  • be challenged and inspired!

The theme "Global Insights, Local Impact: Advancing a Community of Oncology Pharmacy Practice" will explore the critical role of oncology pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and assistants in bridging global innovations with localized patient care. Bringing together oncology pharmacy professionals from around the world emphasizes the importance of sharing best practices and groundbreaking research to enhance treatment outcomes. 

Visit the Symposium website for more information on the program, registration, venue, and accommodations. Subscribe to the ISOPP CAPhO Symposium E-Newsletter for automatic updates about the event.

Join us in Victoria to connect, learn, and shape the future of oncology pharmacy together!


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Discounted Symposium registration fees will be offered to ISOPP and CAPhO members.

Social Media

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Follow CAPhO on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X to stay connected.

Promotional Slides

Insert the ISOPP CAPhO 2025 PowerPoint slides into your next presentation to show at relevant meetings either during breaks or at the end of a presentation.