ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025

Presenter Biographies

Photo of Marliese Alexander
Photo of Marliese Alexander
Marliese Alexander
B.Pharm(hons), MPH, PhD
Deputy Director of Pharmacy (Quality and Research), Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia

A/Prof Alexander is a pharmacist-researcher dedicated to optimizing medication use, improving treatment efficacy, and minimizing toxicities for people living with cancer. As Deputy Director of Pharmacy (Quality and Research) at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and an Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne, A/Prof Alexander brings expertise in oncology pharmacy, thoracic cancers, clinical trials, population studies, and research focused on biomarker-driven therapies, pharmacogenomics, longitudinal registries, and biobanking.

Photo of Brooke Bernhardt
Photo of Brooke Bernhardt
Brooke Bernhardt
Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Division Director, Pharmaceutical Services, United States

Dr. Brooke Bernhardt is the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Division Director of Pharmaceutical Services, and Associate Member in the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. As a clinician scientist in molecular epidemiology, she aims to discover pharmacogenomic variations which influence treatment-related toxicities in pediatric cancer patients. As a healthcare leader, she strives to advance the practice of pharmacy globally, develop the next generation of pharmacists, reduce the impact of drug shortages, and optimize the pharmacotherapy of pediatric cancer treatment.

Photo of Mollie Bishop
Photo of Mollie Bishop
Mollie Bishop
Clinical Specialist Haemato-oncology Pharmacy Technician, Royal Marsden Hospital, United Kingdom

Mollie Bishop is a Clinical Specialist Haemato-oncology Pharmacy Technician at the Royal Marsden Hospital.

Mollie completed her pre-registration pharmacy technician course at the Royal Marsden in 2014 and progressed up to a band 5 medicine management technician over the next year. In this role Mollie completed the ACPT and HEE medicines optimisation courses and worked on all inpatient wards on the Sutton site before settling in haematology. Mollie then left the trust taking on a new role at St Georges as a Clinical Transcribing Technician. This involved setting up a new service of pharmacy technicians transcribing discharge prescriptions. After this, Mollie returned to the Marsden to undertake a lead haemato-oncology pharmacy technician role. During her time in this role between 2020-2024, she started up new practices within the haematology team and found a love for this area of oncology. She completed her level 4 clinical diploma in June 2023. Lastly, her current role as Clinical Specialist Haemato-oncology Pharmacy Technician has meant that she has undertaken the BOPA SACT Verification passport and is verifying SACT within haemato-oncology. This role will also involve the roll out and education of this new skill across her pharmacy technician colleagues at the Royal Marsden.

Photo of Hadley Bortz
Photo of Hadley Bortz
Hadley Bortz
Senior Pharmacist, Anticoagulation Stewardship (ACS), Alfred Health, Australia

Hadley is the Senior Pharmacist for Anticoagulation Stewardship (ACS) at Alfred Health. He completed a clinical pharmacy Fellowship in malignant hematology/bone marrow transplant in 2014 before commencing in the current role in developing Australia's inaugural ACS Program. Hadley has a keen interest in evaluating systems that support quality use of anticoagulants to improve patient outcomes. He is current co-chair of the burgeoning Thrombosis & Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand (THANZ) Anticoagulation Stewardship Network and is also an avid fan of Australian rules football, chronically watching too many footy-related TV shows.

Photo of Tiffany Chan
Photo of Tiffany Chan
Tiffany Chan
Lead Pharmacist for Cancer Services, Great Western Hospital, United Kingdom

Tiffany Chan is an experienced cancer pharmacist with over 16 years of expertise across four cancer centres. She serves as the Lead Pharmacist for Cancer Services at Great Western Hospital and Specialised Cancer Commissioning Pharmacist for NHS England (South West), leading innovations in chemotherapy service delivery and improving access to cancer treatments. She is Co-Chair of BOPA’s Research Subcommittee and Chair of ISOPP’s Engagement and Communications Committee, advocating for research, global collaboration, and professional development. Passionate about advancing both cancer pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, she actively supports career progression through the Education, Training, and Workforce Committees. Tiffany is a member of BOPA, ISOPP, ESMO, and EBMT.

Photo of Netty Cracknell
Photo of Netty Cracknell
Netty Cracknell
MPharm, Dip Pharm Prac, MSc Onc, fBOPA, FRPharmS (IP)
Cancer Pharmacist, Genesis Care, United Kingdom

Netty has over 20 years’ experience as a specialist oncology pharmacist working in both government and private organisations within the UK. She is currently Principal Pharmacist – Operations, for Genesis Care UK. Netty is currently President of The International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) and co-chair of the UK SACT Board. Netty has previously held various leadership positions within the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) and has independently led several National and International Projects. Netty was announced a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in 2022 and a Fellow of BOPA in 2023. 

Netty is passionate about improving cancer care globally and improving safety for patients and staff through the use of digital media. Netty also has a keen interest in education and training and uses her strengths to support all pharmacy staff in all sectors and countries to improve access to learning globally.

Photo of Mariana de Andrade Pranke da Silva
Photo of Mariana de Andrade Pranke da Silva
Mariana de Andrade Pranke da Silva
Project Manager, Clinical Research, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2012). Master's degree in Hepatology from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) (2016). She worked as a pharmacist in the Liver Transplant Group (Santa Casa de Misericórdia - Porto Alegre). Previously, she was a technical support fellow on the project for the Development and Implementation of a Hospital Drug Traceability System by the Observatory of Information and Communication Technologies in Health Systems and Services (OTICS) in partnership with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), which was carried out at the Fêmina Hospital (GHC Group) in Porto Alegre/RS. She was a pharmacist at the Clinical Research Center, Moinhos de Vento Hospital for 4 years, where she also worked as a researcher at PROADI. Currently working in clinical research as a Project Manager.

Photo of Melanie Dorey
Photo of Melanie Dorey
Melanie Dorey
Critical Compounding Resources, Canada

Melanie Dorey is a registered pharmacy technician and has worked in the compounding industry since 2006. She graduated from a 2-year Pharmacy Technician program in 2006 and at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) where she acquired a passion for sterile and nonsterile compounding. While attending the Sterile Compounding Boot Camp in Denver, Colorado in 2007, Melanie met several key industry experts who ignited her passion for sterile and nonsterile compounding. In 2014, she joined the team at CriticalPoint and Kastango Consulting Group where she continued to hone her skills while developing eLearning, standard operating procedures, as well as in person and virtual lectures. She also traveled to client locations to perform competency assessment and customized training. Melanie has served on a variety of committees with NAPRA and the Ontario College of Pharmacy. Melanie is the owner of Critical Compounding Resources which offers services to compounding operations across North America. 

Photo of Nick Duncan
Photo of Nick Duncan
Nick Duncan
Consultant Haematology Pharmacist, UHB NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

Nick is a Consultant Haematology Pharmacist at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and an Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Birmingham. He is a Fellow of the British Oncology Pharmacy Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and is the current Chair of the EBMT Pharmacist Committee. He is the chair of the ISOPP Research Committee, and his areas of research interest include medicines adherence, chronic myeloid leukaemia and antifungal stewardship.

Photo of Lee Dupuis
Photo of Lee Dupuis
Lee Dupuis
BSc, BScPhm, MScPhm, RPh, ACPR, FCSHP, PhD
Senior Associate Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada

Lee completed her pharmacy training at the University of Toronto, her residency at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto and her PhD at the University of Amsterdam.  She is an Associate Senior Scientist, Research Institute; a Health Clinician Scientist, Department of Pharmacy, and a Clinical Pharmacist, Haematology/Oncology/Blood and Marrow Transplant/Cellular Therapy at SickKids, Canada and a Professor and Clinician Scientist at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Canada.  
Lee has leadership positions within the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), the Multi-national Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, the Children’s Oncology Group and the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario.  She is the co-founder and co-director of the international Pediatric Oncology supportive care Guideline Network (iPOG Network).
Optimization of the supportive care of children who are receiving cancer treatment or undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant/cellular therapy is the focus of Lee’s research program.  Her work centers on facilitating communication about symptoms by children, evaluating interventions to control treatment-related toxicity and supportive care clinical practice guideline development and implementation.

Photo of Scott Edwards
Photo of Scott Edwards
Scott Edwards
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Pharmacy, Eastern Health, Canada
Scott Edwards is currently the Clinical Oncology Pharmacy Specialist at the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Center in St. John’s, Newfoundland. He is also an assistant professor at the School of Pharmacy and the Discipline of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is active in clinical cancer research in the area of chemotherapy toxicities, supportive care and oral chemotherapy adherence. He graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a B.Sc. (Neuroscience) in 1994 and a B.Sc (Pharmacy) in 1997. In 2005, he graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Washington. He completed a Master’s degree in Oncology from Newcastle University in 2015.
Photo of Afomia Gebre
Photo of Afomia Gebre
Afomia Gebre
Bsc (Pharm), ACPR
Pediatric Pharmacist, Emergency Department and Critical Care, Children's Hospital Eastern Ontario, Canada

Afomia Gebre graduated from Dalhousie’s College of Pharmacy is 2020 and shortly after completed a hospital residency through the Nova Scotia Health Authority. After completing a residency, she went on to work as a hospital pharmacist at the Qikiqtani General Hospital in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Now, she currently works as a clinical pharmacist at the Children's Hospital Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Outside of Pharmacy, Afomia is mainly involved in working with and advocating for members of equity seeking groups.

Photo of Sarah Glewis
Photo of Sarah Glewis
Sarah Glewis
Senior Clinical Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia

Sarah Glewis is a Senior Clinical Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and a PhD Candidate at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her current research efforts focus on clinical Pharmacogenomics (PGx) and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) for the treatment and supportive care of cancer. She is the principal investigator for the first PGx multisite clinical trial in Australia (PACIFIC-PGx) and program manager for the follow-on trial with expanded PGx testing and TDM (PRECISION). She was awarded a research grant from ISOPP to support her PGx research work extending to regional areas in Australia and her work in PGx has been recognised in the Victorian HealthCare Award in Australia.

Photo of Evelyn Handel
Photo of Evelyn Handel
Evelyn Handel
Senior Director of Drugs & Biologics Programs, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, United States

Evelyn Handel, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP is Senior Director of Drugs & Biologics Programs at the National Comprehensive Cancer Network in Philadelphia, USA. In this role she collaborates with a multidisciplinary team and is responsible for strategic leadership and management of the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium and the NCCN Chemotherapy Order Templates, which are derivative products of the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Prior to joining NCCN, Evelyn was an oncology clinical pharmacy specialist in various direct patient care roles.

Evelyn is an active member of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) as well as the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA). She has served in multiple volunteer leadership positions including Chair of the HOPA Patient Education Committee, as well as on the ISOPP Secretariat in various roles since 2015 including her current term as immediate Past President and Governance Committee Chair.

Photo of Esin Aysel Kandemir
Photo of Esin Aysel Kandemir
Esin Aysel Kandemir
Pharmacist, Research Associate, PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Germany

Pharmacist, Research Associate, PhD Candidate — Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Internal Medicine-Oncology

Photo of Michelle Koberinski
Photo of Michelle Koberinski
Michelle Koberinski
Coordinator of the Pharmacy Oncology Certification Program, BC Cancer, Canada

Michelle has worked as a pharmacy technician since 1999 in various community and hospital settings in BC and Alberta. She is currently the Coordinator of BC Cancer’s Pharmacy Oncology Certification Program where she develops, implements, and maintains a Certification Program for pharmacy professionals in BC who prepare and dispense oncology medication. In 2010, Michelle received CAPhO’s Merit award for her work on BC Cancer’s Pharmacy Practice Standards for Hazardous Drugs Manual.

Michelle serves on CAPhO’s Education Committee Technician / Pharmacy Assistant and the Oncology Fundamentals Day (OFD) Education committee. In 2024, Michelle became the first pharmacy technician to be President of CAPhO.

Photo of Aalok Kumar
Photo of Aalok Kumar
Aalok Kumar
Department Head, Medical Oncology, BC Cancer Surrey, Canada

Dr. Aalok Kumar completed medical school at the University of Toronto, Internal Medicine training at McMaster University and Medical Oncology training along with a fellowship in medical gyne-oncology at BC Cancer/UBC. He has also completed his Masters of Health Sciences at UBC. He currently is the Department Head of Medical Oncology at BC Cancer Surrey, works as a medical oncologist treating patients with breast and gynecological cancers, actively involved in clinical trials, medical education and health outcomes research.  ​He is also the Provincial Systemic Chair for Gynecologic Oncology in British Columbia and the Director for Career Planning for the Faculty of Medicine at UBC.

Photo of Katie Lacaria
Photo of Katie Lacaria
Katie Lacaria
Clinical Pharmacy Educator, Vancouver General Hospital, Canada

Katie Lacaria is a clinical pharmacy educator in leukemia and bone marrow transplantation at Vancouver General Hospital.  She completed a Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program from the University of British Columbia (UBC). She is a Clinical Instructor at UBC and a Clinical Consultant for Pharmacist’s Letter Canada.  Her areas of expertise and research interests include immunosuppressive pharmacotherapy, transplant-related infections, and drug allergies.

Photo of Elaine Lazzaroni
Photo of Elaine Lazzaroni
Elaine Lazzaroni
Pharmacist , Supply Division, Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA), Brazil

PhD in Public Health, Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy in Logistics Operations Management. Works as a pharmacist in the Supply Division of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA), teaching postgraduate courses in Hospital Pharmacy, in INCA's Multiprofessional Residency Program in Oncology and in the Research Program in Collective Health and Cancer Control/INCA. President of the Brazilian Society of Oncology Pharmacists (SOBRAFO) for the 2025-2026 term. She has experience in Service Management, Supply Logistics and teaching in areas of Pharmaceutical Services and Public Procurement.

Photo of Michael LeBlanc
Photo of Michael LeBlanc
Michael LeBlanc
Director of Pharmacy Professional Practice, Horizon Health Network, Canada

Michael LeBlanc is Director of Pharmacy Professional Practice for Horizon Health Network, New Brunswick. He is responsible for the development, evaluation and monitoring of clinical pharmacy services. He graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1998 and received his PharmD from Idaho State University in 2009. Michael has been an oncology pharmacist for 25 years with a focus on the prevention and management of cancer-treatment associated toxicities. He is active in practice-based research and providing support for patients receiving oral anticancer medications. Michael is a member of the CAPHO Research Committee, FCAPHO Task Force, ambulatory oncology cpKPI working group, and the CAPHO24 Planning Committee.

He is also active in the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists where he gained fellowship status in 2015 and is the current chair of the Board of Trustees for the CSHP Research and Education Foundation.

Photo of Mita Manna
Photo of Mita Manna
Mita Manna
Medical Oncologist, Saskatoon Cancer Centre, Canada

Dr. Mita Manna is a dual trained Hematologist and Medical Oncologist. Currently, she is a Medical Oncologist at the Saskatoon Cancer Centre, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency in Saskatoon as well as Associate Professor within the Department of Oncology, University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Manna’s main areas of clinical focus include breast and thoracic malignancies. She is the Provincial Disease Site Group Chair for Breast Malignancies and is the Multidisciplinary Tumor Board Chair for Breast Malignancies. She is a nucleus member of the REAL Canadian Breast Cancer Alliance, and site representative for the Canadian Cancer Trials Group. Other areas of interest includes medical education, patient advocacy, and patient education.

Photo of Edward Mbugua
Photo of Edward Mbugua
Edward Mbugua
Chief Pharmacist, Kenyatta University Teaching Referral and Research Hospital, KUTRRH, Kenya
  • Top40 Under40, Kenya 2021
  • University of Nairobi, Kenya, Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Strathmore University, Kenya, Health leadership and Management
  • Liverpool John Moore University, UK, Msc International Public Health
  • Vienna School of Clinical Research Public Health And Medical Education, VSCR,  Diploma Health Economics and Outcomes Research 
  • Chairperson Pharmaceutical society of Kenya, PSK, Tana Athi Branch, 
  • Member, National Governing Council, Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya PSK
Photo of Laura Minard
Photo of Laura Minard
Laura Minard
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator, Nova Scotia Health, Canada

Laura is a Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator in Oncology and Hematology with Nova Scotia Health in Halifax. Laura obtained her BSc from Dalhousie University followed by a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Alberta. She then pursued pharmacy training and a Hospital Pharmacy Residency in Nova Scotia. She has worked with patients in both inpatient and ambulatory oncology settings and has developed and implemented a variety of pharmacist-led clinics. Laura is the CAPhO Research Chair and her research interests include pharmacist prescribing, optimizing patient education of oncology medications, CAR T-cell therapy, and management of toxicities associated with anticancer therapies.

Photo of Anita Mucua
Photo of Anita Mucua
Anita Mucua
Oncology Pharmacist , Kenyatta University Teaching, Research, and Referral Hospital (KUTRRH), Kenya

Anita Mucua is an Oncology Pharmacist at the Kenyatta University Teaching, Research, and Referral Hospital (KUTRRH), a national hospital in Kenya. She spearheaded the establishment and operationalization of the oncology pharmacy and oncology pharmacy practice in the hospital. She also led the implementation of bedside Medication Therapy management (MTM) for oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy. 

She is a member of ISOPP, Hospital Pharmacists Association of Kenya (HOPAK), Kenya Society of Haematology and Oncology (KESHO) and British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA). She was a member of the organizing task force for the first African Regional Oncology Pharmacy Symposium (AROPS) 2019 where ISOPP collaborated with HOPAK, in addition to being in the organizing committee for HOPAK annual symposiums. She is member of the symposium scientific program task force for ISOPP CAPHO 2025. 

She attained MSc Clinical Oncology at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, including a 6-month NHS observer ship at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. She worked closely with specialist pharmacists in oncology both in pharmacy-led oncology clinics and research, gaining knowledge and experience.

Anita believes in the power of collaboration that provides the opportunity to share knowledge, empower one another and leverage on created networks for the advancement of oncology pharmacy care.  To this end, she is the Organizing secretary and one of the pioneer pharmacists to establish the Oncology Pharmacists Society of Kenya (OPSoK).

Photo of Glenn Myers
Photo of Glenn Myers
Glenn Myers
BScPharm, ACPR, RPh
Clinical Resource Pharmacist, Dr. Sheldon H. Rubin Oncology Clinic, Canada

Glenn is a clinical resource pharmacist with a patient care focus in outpatient medical oncology at the Dr. Sheldon H Rubin Oncology Clinic in Moncton, New Brunswick. Glenn completed a BSc (Pharmacy) at Dalhousie University in 2011 and subsequently went on to complete his hospital residency at the Saint John Regional Hospital in New Brunswick. Glenn has been practicing in ambulatory oncology for over 12 years and focuses on clinical assessment and management of chemotherapy, oral anti-cancer, and immune related adverse effects in patients with cancer. Glenn also enjoys providing practical education to healthcare professionals in oncology and non-oncology settings.

Photo of Shereen Nabhani-Gebara
Photo of Shereen Nabhani-Gebara
Shereen Nabhani-Gebara
Professor of Oncology, Kingston University London, United Kingdom

Shereen Nabhani-Gebara is a Professor of Oncology at Kingston University London. She has a doctorate in pharmacy with  post graduate qualifications and specialisation in oncology. She has a global view of cancer care as she has trained and worked on three different continents.

She is the vice-chair of the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) executive board.

Research focus: evolving cancer services to optimise early detection and follow up care, technology enabled care (including artificial intelligence), and optimising the quality of cancer care through equity and inclusion.

Photo of Lynne Nakashima
Photo of Lynne Nakashima
Lynne Nakashima
Senior Director, Provincial Pharmacy, BC Cancer, Canada

Lynne Nakashima received her BSc(Pharm) from the University of British Columbia, Canada and her PharmD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Lynne is a Fellow of both CAPhO and ISOPP and is currently the Chair of the ISOPP Grants and Awards Task Force as well as the CAPhO Fellow Task Force. She is currently the Senior Director, Provincial Pharmacy at BC Cancer in Canada where she is responsible for pharmacy professional practice leadership, provincial oncology medication management, support for the systemic therapy program and leadership for the Pharmacy Residency Program.

Photo of Mary Nazzal
Photo of Mary Nazzal
Mary Nazzal
Field Operations for Critical Compounding Resources LLC (CCR), United States

Mary Nazzal, a PharmD, Registered Pharmacist, is the Co-owner and Director of Field Operations for Critical Compounding Resources LLC (CCR). She received her PharmD degree from Butler University of Indianapolis and has completed the Nuclear Pharmacy Certificate Program at Purdue University. Mary received her Compounded Sterile Preparations Certification from the Board of Pharmacy Specialties in the fall of 2019 as a member of its inaugural class.

She has over 18 years of progressive and diverse hospital pharmacist experience, including administrative, inpatient pharmacy, de-centralized pharmacy, and operating room, focusing on sterile compounding. Before co-owning CCR LLC, Mary was the Director of Field Operations for Kastango Consulting Group, a TRC Healthcare Company, where she directed the day-to-day consulting operations. Before that, Mary established and led sterile compounding services, including pharmacy-related policy/procedure/SOP development, technology setup and implementation, training development, and execution for Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. She currently performs gap analysis, facility design development, and review of construction documents for clients to ensure regulatory compliance and provide best practice recommendations regarding compounding. In addition, she is involved in product development for CCR. She is also a member of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), Indiana Pharmacists Association, Controlled Environment Testing Association (CETA) and the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA). She recently became a member of the ASHP Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners Section Advisory Groups: Compounding Practice.

Photo of Scott Nelson
Photo of Scott Nelson
Scott Nelson
Pharmacist and Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, United States

Dr. Scott Nelson is a pharmacist and Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Nelson is the Director of the Master of Science in Applied Clinical Informatics (MS-ACI) online program, and currently works in Medication Safety Informatics in HealthIT, with a focus on medication reconciliation, e-prescribing, artificial intelligence, and clinical decision support.

Photo of Christine Peragine
Photo of Christine Peragine
Christine Peragine
Lead Pharmacist, Oral Anticancer Medication Program, Pharmacy, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada

Dr. Christine Peragine is the Lead Pharmacist for Sunnybrook’s Oral Anticancer Medication (OAM) Program at the Odette Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christine graduated from the University of Toronto combined BScPhm-PharmD program in 2015 and started her PhD training and Antimicrobial Stewardship-Infectious Disease Pharmacy Fellowship in the same year. She has worked in Ambulatory Oncology since 2018 and is passionate about advancing pharmacy practice, research, and education. Over the course of her career, Dr. Peragine has spearheaded over 25 practice-based research initiatives, published over 30 unique abstracts, and presented at over 15 academic conferences. She has received over $110,000 CAD in grant funding and was the recipient of the 2022 Sunnybrook Practice-Based Research and Innovation Award of Inquiry. Her commitment to teaching is demonstrated by the number of students and trainees she has precepted (>30), and the creation and launch of clinical and research co-op opportunities with the OAM Team in Fall 2022.

Photo of Andrea Preston
Photo of Andrea Preston
Andrea Preston
Haematology Specialist Pharmacist, Head of Patient Innovation and Care, Sanius Health, United Kingdom

Andrea is a Haematology Specialist Pharmacist and Head of Patient Innovation and Care at Sanius Health. 

She is Founder and past Chair of the UK Myeloma Society Pharmacist Group, and a committee member on the British Oncology Pharmacy Association’s Research and AI Specialist interest groups. 

Andrea is passionate about innovation for patient benefit.  After co-creating an award-winning smartphone application to support patients with CML, she became an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur with NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Innovation, Research and Life Sciences group. 

Areas of specialist interest include medication adherence, dosing in obesity and use of technology to improve patient outcomes. 

Photo of Pieter Ramaut
Photo of Pieter Ramaut
Pieter Ramaut
Assistant Chief Pharmacist , Production Department, Hospital Pharmacy of the University Hospital of Ghent (UZ Gent), Belgium

Pieter Ramaut graduated as a pharmacist in 2009 at KU Leuven and completed a ManaMa program in hospital pharmacy in 2012. From 2012 to 2019, he worked in various Flemish hospitals, engaging in a broad spectrum of activities ranging from clinical trials to cardiovascular implants. Since 2019, he has been serving as the head of the production department in the hospital pharmacy of the University Hospital of Ghent (UZ Gent), Belgium. In this role, he oversees pharmaceutical production processes and strives to optimize them using technological advancements.
Additionally, Pieter holds a position as Clinical Guest Professor at Universiteit Gent, where he teaches pharmaceutical technology to ManaMa hospital pharmacists.

Photo of Shellyza Sajwani
Photo of Shellyza Sajwani
Shellyza Sajwani
Co-founder, Climaceutics Health Solutions, Canada

Shellyza Sajwani is a pharmacist who works within areas of oncology, climate change and global health as they relate to the pharmacy profession. Shellyza received her MPharm from Aston University in the UK, her PharmD from the University of Toronto, her Climate Change and Health certification from Yale University and her Global Health Intensive Delivery Certification from Harvard University . She is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa, and the national co-chair of the Canadian Association of Pharmacy for the Environment (CAPhE - pronounced Caa-fee ). She has also worked for many years as an oncology pharmacist at the Ottawa Hospital, with ten years of experience in a combination of outpatient and inpatient oncology, and also co-chairs the Ottawa Hospital Pharmacy Environmental Committee. 

Shellyza co-chaired the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) policy committee, which created and passed the first ever international pharmacy climate change policy in 2023 which went to the over 100 country membership representing four million pharmacy professionals. She also represented the University of Ottawa and the CAPhE at the United Nations COP29 conference in 2024 . Shellyza is currently the co-founder of Climaceutics Health Solutions which focuses on building on tools and certifications  for pharmacies to reduce their emissions and improve their climate resilience. 

Shellyza also has experience working as a previous co-president of Pharmacists Without Borders Canada ; and has received CAPhO Merit awards for her work as an oncology pharmacy consultant in Gulu, Uganda in 2017 and 2018, as well as her later work advocating for cancer patients with various patient advocacy organizations during her own chemotherapy treatment and during her remission. 

Photo of Mark St. Marie
Photo of Mark St. Marie
Mark St. Marie
Eagleson Institute, United States

Mark, a seasoned professional with over 30 years of diverse experience.

With a background encompassing Department of Defense, Federal Government, and private sector Industrial Hygiene roles, Mark brings expertise in healthcare, Biosafety laboratory/research, and specialty evaluation and certification of controlled environments.

Previously, he served as the National Industrial Hygiene Program Manager for the Department of Veterans Affairs, overseeing Occupational Safety and Health and USP 797/800 policy development, implementation, and compliance across 175+ Medical Centers.

A retired U.S. Air Force Industrial Hygiene Bioenvironmental Engineering Professional, he holds certifications as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), and Controlled Environment Testing Association CNBT Registered Certification Professional for Sterile Compounding Facilities (RCCP-SCF).

Mark is dedicated to STEM education and training. During his tenure at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, he instructed new Air Force enlisted and officer Industrial Hygiene Bioenvironmental Engineering Airmen, teaching a comprehensive curriculum covering industrial hygiene principles, analytical chemistry, air monitoring techniques, and more. Mark is currently an Adjunct Instructor in the Certification of Sterile Compounding Facilities Course at the Eagleson Institute, Sanford, ME.

Photo of Cameron Roessner
Photo of Cameron Roessner
Cameron Roessner
Clinical Pharmacist, Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Canada

Cameron Roessner is a clinical pharmacist specializing in Bone Marrow Transplantation and Hematology at the Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Calgary, Alberta. Cameron is particularly interested in exploring innovative treatment options for hematological malignancies and developing strategies to improve their safety and tolerability. In addition, Cameron dedicates part of their practice to non-malignant hematology, caring for patients with rare blood disorders such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia. Cameron is passionate about advancing pharmacist involvement in the multidisciplinary care of hematology patients.

Photo of Hope Swanson
Photo of Hope Swanson
Hope Swanson
Senior Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, United States

Dr. Hope Swanson is a Senior Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in pediatric hematology/oncology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. As a credentialed provider, she cares for children with leukemia and lymphoma, precepts pharmacy residents and students, and contributes to clinical trials and research. Her research focuses on tailoring novel treatment approaches and understanding treatment-related toxicities in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Dr. Swanson earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of South Carolina and completed two years of post-graduate residency training, including a specialized residency in pediatric hematology/oncology at St. Jude.

Photo of Jesse Swen
Photo of Jesse Swen
Jesse Swen
Clinical pharmacist - clinical pharmacologist , Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

Jesse Swen PharmD, PhD is a full professor of clinical pharmacy, in particular translational pharmacogenetics. He works as a clinical pharmacist-clinical pharmacologist at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Center where he is the chair of the laboratory of the hospital pharmacy.  

The long-term central goal of his career is to improve the outcomes of drug treatment by gaining a better understanding of the genetic mechanisms that result in inter-individual variability in drug response.

Photo of Axel Tosikyan
Photo of Axel Tosikyan
Axel Tosikyan
Hematologist - oncologist , Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur, Canada

Axel Tosikyan has been a hematologist-oncologist at Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal since 2006. He is also an assistant professor at the Université de Montréal. Additionally, he has a part-time practice in Abitibi. Dr. Tosikyan graduated from McGill University in 2006 with certifications in both hematology and oncology. He subsequently obtained a Master's in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. He has a diverse practice and participates as the principal investigator in numerous research protocols in the fields of hematology and oncology.

Photo of Kaitlyn Watson
Photo of Kaitlyn Watson
Kaitlyn Watson
B. Pharmacy (Hons), PhD, GradCertAppPharmPrac, FHEA
Assistant Professor | Founder & CEO, University Of Alberta | Disaster Pharmacy Solutions, Canada

Dr. Kaitlyn Watson, an Australian registered pharmacist began her pharmacy career working in an Oncology Day Unit at Greenslopes Private Hospital, Australia. Dr Watson went on to become a globally recognized disaster pharmacy researcher, serving as the Founder & CEO of Disaster Pharmacy Solutions. She specializes in delivering disaster management and emergency preparedness training to the pharmacy workforce through interactive Table-Top Exercises. In 2022, Kaitlyn authored the foundational book 'Disaster and Emergency Pharmacy: A Guide to Preparation and Management' published by Routledge. 

Dr. Watson is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta's Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, focusing on social and public health pharmacy. Dr. Watson earned her PhD in Pharmacy Practice and Disaster Management from Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Her doctoral research focused on a comprehensive exploration of pharmacists' roles and responsibilities in both natural and anthropogenic disasters and emergencies. Additionally, with expertise gained through two postdoctoral fellowships in clinical trial management and implementation science, Dr. Watson is dedicated to sustainable evidence-based change in the public health and primary care sectors. 

Photo of Joe Williams
Photo of Joe Williams
Joe Williams
MPharm, FRPharmS, PG Dip GPP, mBOPA, IPresc
Education and Training Lead Pharmacist / BOPA, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust / BOPA, United Kingdom

Joseph is the Education and Training Lead and Specialist Cancer Pharmacist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust with a specialist clinical and research interest in colorectal cancer and care closer to home. He is also an independent prescriber within the colorectal cancer speciality. Joseph is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the University of Manchester (UoM) where he teaches on the Cancer programme for Undergraduates and Postgraduates. His background has vastly been in clinical practice and his patient facing role within the MDT has allowed him to initiate and progress applied health research projects in his area of practice to benefit patient care. His experience and accolades have allowed Joseph to be elected as Chair of the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA), elected as a member (and current Co-Chair) of the UK SACT Board, become a member of the UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership (UKPPL) Advisory Board and a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS). Joseph is passionate about promoting excellence in pharmaceutical care of patients with cancer through education, research, and innovation.

Photo of Irene Weru
Photo of Irene Weru
Irene Weru
Senior Specialist Pharmacist, Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya

Irene holds a master’s degree in clinical pharmacy with specialization in oncology pharmacy from the University of Nairobi and has over 20 years’ experience as a specialist pharmacist, serving in national, regional and international expert advisory and technical working groups. She is an active member of several professional associations and has served on the ISOPP Board since 2020. Irene is an adjunct faculty at the University of Nairobi and Kabarak University, providing research and clinical practice supervision to undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students.

Photo of Shirley Yeung
Photo of Shirley Yeung
Shirley Yeung
BSc.(Pharm), ACPR, MSc
Coordinator, Provincial Pharmacy Information Systems, Pharmacy, BC Cancer, Canada

Data-driven healthcare improvement is at the heart of Shirley Yeung's work as Provincial Pharmacy Information Systems Coordinator at BC Cancer. She ensures safe and effective pharmacy services by overseeing the selection, implementation, and maintenance of pharmacy computer systems and managing drug inventory and contracting. With a background in pharmaceutical sciences (UBC, 2009), a hospital pharmacy residency, and a Master's in Public Health (Health Economics) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2014), Shirley brings a strong analytical lens to her role. In her free time, she enjoys swimming.